2012年12月22日 星期六

關於德國麵粉(Deutsche Mehl)

      在台灣一般依蛋白質含量分為低筋;中筋和高筋,而所含蛋白質中所謂的麩質(gluten)影響麵團塑性及彈性(對部份人而言,可能是過敏原),所以另有販售gluten free的麵粉.德國各種麵粉型號(Mehltype)是依照研磨麥穀的完整度來區分,麵粉型號越高,所含麥穀的完整度越高: 即胚芽,麥麩比例就越高, 結果就是礦物質(灰質含量)比例的多寡差異. 所以麵粉型號等於每100g麵粉所含礦物質的毫克(mg)量, 作為農產品的麵粉依據. 當然又分為細磨GLATT和粗研GRIFFI.


German Rye Flours(黑麥麵粉Roggenmehl)

These are called "Roggenmehl" and "Roggen-Vollkornmehl(無型號)"in German. The higher the number, the darker the rye flour.

Flour typeAsh contentProteinNotes
Type 815.815%very light, good for very light rye breads. Used in Southern Germany and Austria.
Type 960.85 % - .96 %8%Light rye flour
Type 997.997 to 1.09% ashGood for sourdough breads
Type 11501.15% ash
Type 11801.18% ash
Type 13701.37% ashDark rye, good for sourdough breads
Type 17401.74% ashpure dark rye
Type 18001.70 to 2.10%coarsely ground

German Spelt Flour(Dinkelmehl)

This is called "Dinkelmehl" in German.

Flour typeAsh content
Type 630< .70%
Type 812.71% to .90%
Type 1050.91% to 1.20%

German Wheat Flours(小麥麵粉 Weizenmehl )

Wheat flour is called "Weizenmehl" and "Dinkel-Weizenmehl" and "Dinkel Vollkornmehl(無型號)"in German.

AshProteinUSGermanFrenchGood for…
~0.4%~9%pastry flour40540fine pastries and cakes
~0.55%~11%all-purpose flour55055quick breads, biscuits, croissants, cookies, & muffins
~0.8%~14%high gluten flour81280breads (and sometimes pizza)
~1%~15%“first clear” flour1050110light grayish looking bread; bagels?
>1.5%~13%white whole wheat1600150
??whole wheat1700?dense whole wheat bread

AshProteinWheat flour type
~0.4%~9%pastry flour4054000Hladká mouka výběrová 00
~0.55%~11%all-purpose flour550550Hladká mouka
~0.8%~14%high gluten flour812801Polohrubá mouka
~1%~15%first clear flour10501102Hrubá mouka
>1.5%~13%white whole wheat1600150Farina integrale di grano teneroPšeničná Krupice

